Your yard is one of the first things that people notice about your home. It’s hard to miss, especially if it’s bright green, lush, and well kept. It’s also hard to ignore if it’s overgrown or brown. So here are a few answers to some common questions that go along with a healthy yard.

What is the best time to mow your yard?

There isn’t necessarily a better time of the day to cut your grass. However, depending on the time of the year, and weather conditions, you may need to adjust your normal routine. In times of high heat and/or drought, consider raising your mower to allow the grass to grower higher in this environment.

How tall should your grass be before you mow it?

The rule of thumb for when to cut your grass is that it should be tall enough to allow no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade to be removed at any one time.

How low should you cut your grass?

The length that your freshly mowed lawn should be depends on a few different things, specifically the type of grass, and the time of the year. But most grasses should kept between 1.5 and 3 inches in length.

Should you bag or mulch your clippings?

While this is largely a matter of personal preference, mulching does offer some benefits to your yard. The clippings fall to the surface of the yard and begin to decompose. If the grass is unusually tall or wet, bagging is recommended because of the size and composition of the clippings.

How should you maintain your mower before and after mowing?

It’s important to ensure that your mower is in proper working order before you begin, and after you finish. Keeping the different elements of your mower clean and maintained will also extend the life of your equipment.

Should you water as often during the winter months?

Watering your yard during the winter months is typically not necessary. In colder climates, snowfall keeps the grass irrigated. In warmer climates, the grass becomes dormant and requires very little water.

Do different mowing patterns enhance your lawn’s appearance?

Mowing patterns add an extra dimension to the look of your yard. These different appearances are caused by sunlight reflecting off of the blades of grass at different angles. Straight lines and other symmetrical patterns are most pleasing to the eye.

How do you care for shaded areas of your yard?

Shady areas can pose a challenge for achieving a lush, healthy lawn. If you are having trouble getting grass to grow in these places, you may want to consider a shade tolerant turf, like St. Augustine, Zoysia, or Centipede. You can also raise the mowing height in these areas and treat them with nitrogen fertilizer.
